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G-PLAY: all about games
News - most interesting

Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
There is a new Lionheart Preview on PC.IGN.Com offering impressions of Reflexive Entertainment's upcoming alternate-history role-playing game that is built on the SPECIAL system originally designed for Fallout. They offer an extensive history of the "Disjunction" which occurred during the third crusades that establish the storyline, encounters with actual historical figures and situations, your character's race and other influential characteristics, combat, weapons, magic, and more.
[22:08 November 29, 2002] Link |  More info

Neocron: Virtual City
RPG Vault's Neocron Q&A talks with Reakktor.com CEO Jцrg Martin Schwiezer about Neocron, their recently-released science fiction MMORPG. Topics in the extensive conversation include an introduction to the game, the inspiration for its cyberpunk setting, characters and classes, character development, combat, weapons, non-combat activities, housing, AI, PvP, missions, NPCs, grouping, the technology behind the game, server capacity, sound and music, the interface, community, griefers, lessons learned along the way, and more.
[22:06 November 29, 2002] Link |  More info

Impossible Creatures
Microsoft Game Studios and Relic Entertainment on Tuesday invited twenty thousand gamers to download and participate in an online multiplayer test of Impossible Creatures. Gamers can now download a limited multiplayer version of this unique real-time strategy offering to help Microsoft stress test the matchmaking servers. The online multiplayer test version of Impossible Creatures contains a tutorial and three multiplayer maps as well as a pre-built army of combined animals.
[22:04 November 29, 2002] Link |  More info

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Buy games - new offers

30/01 Heritage of Kings: The Settlers - Platform: PC ($39.99)
22/11 RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 - Platform: PC ($39.99)
17/11 Football Manager 2005 [Worldwide Soccer Manager 2005] - Platform: PC ($39.99)
17/11 FIFA Soccer 2005 - Platform: PC ($39.99)
14/11 Star Wars Battlefront - Platform: PC ($49.99)
12/11 Need for Speed Underground 2 - Platform: PC ($39.99)
07/11 Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-Earth - Platform: PC ($49.99)
07/11 Call of Duty: United Offensive - Platform: PC ($29.99)
18/10 Sonic Heroes - Platform: PS2 ($34.99)
08/10 Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude - Platform: PC ($29.99)
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New Reviews

Assassin`s Creed
Assassin’s Creed for the PC is a solid version of the game, and if you have a computer that is up to the task, then the added side-quests make it the best version to own. Unfortunately, it still falls prey to the same issues that plagued the console versions, meaning that those who didn’t like the original game will still take issue with this one. Still, if the game’s plot and theme intrigues you and you haven’t yet took the plunge into the console version, then certainly give it a try.

[April 11, 2008 / gamezone.com (8,3/10)] Full Review...

Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of a Solar Empire is an epic game that will take players a long time to completely tame. The only problem you will run into is the sudden lack of sleep you will get due to its addictive nature. If that doesn’t bother you and you are in the market for a new strategy game, I highly suggest checking this game out.

[March 14, 2008 / Gamezone.com (9/10) Editor's choice] Full Review...

Heroes of Annilihated Empires

Mixing role-playing and real-time strategy, GSC Game World`s title in which you`ll lead heroes and huge armies

[October 21, 2004 / Интерью с разработчиками (RPGVAult) Англ.] Full Preview...


Download demos, patches, no-cd, trainers, solutions

06/09 Mafia II - Web site 1с
06/09 Mafia II - Официальный russian web site
24/08 ASDA Story - Клиент for game / 810 MB
18/08 Mythos - Официальный Twitter
18/08 Mythos - Официальный российский web site
18/08 Mythos - Официальный YouTube канал
07/04 Majesty 2: Kingmaker - Movie 1
02/04 Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom, The - Demo Version / 2550 MB
02/04 Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom, The - Web site russian version
02/04 Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom, The - Patch v.1.01 / 398 MB
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Screenshots from the game

18/08 Mythos - RPG / Roleplaying game
07/04 Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom, The - Strategy
07/04 Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom, The - Strategy
07/04 Majesty 2: Kingmaker - Strategy
07/04 Majesty 2: Kingmaker - Strategy
02/04 Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom, The - Strategy
02/09 World of Battles - Strategy
07/08 Trine - Action / FPS
02/03 Даша Васильева. Личное дело женщины-кошки - Quest / Adventure
02/03 Precursors - Action / FPS
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